Friday, December 11, 2009

Another update on Big Guy

Big Guy is doing well, although he is not yet completely healed. After having the drains in his one wound for a week, he had them removed, and the wound was re-sutured. He got all of his stitches out a week later. That night (this past Monday), the wound where the drains had been popped back open. I took him back to the vet Tuesday morning, and they decided that at this point the best thing to do would be to let it heal on its own. (Apparently, too much flesh and skin were lost during the removal of the necrotic and otherwise damaged tissue for it the wound to successfully close.) Anyway, I now clean it and coat it with medication twice a day. It doesn't seem to be bothering him at all. Additionally, he no longer shows any traces of having been feral. He wants to do nothing more than play with and be petted by me :-)

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