Saturday, November 06, 2010

Missions Accomplished

My goals and accomplishments for this morning:

1) Get the zipper in my super-awesome green sweater replaced. Koala (
my adorable idiot child) ate the zipper before I left the US, but I brought the sweater anyway. Now that it's cooled off, having a sweater that actually zips shut would be rather useful. Luckily the incredibly friendly seamstress (who remembers me from 2006-2007) seems undaunted by the task. And amused by the fact that a puppy ate the zipper. She is probably the only person in my neighborhood who will now associate me with dogs instead of cats!

2) Get roundworm medicine for Charlie. I had actually been pleasantly surprised by the fact that Charlie's poop had always been firm, and (until this last week) worm-free. This week, however, he started passing roundworms in his faeces, and he vomited up a live one as well :-( I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to find a vet willing to give me roundworm meds without actually seeing the cat and doing a fecal exam, but as I still can't catch Charlie, I figured I should give it a try.

I got Gwen to translate "My cat has roundworms; I need roundworm medicine" and "I can't catch my cat because he is feral" - 우리고양이 회충있어요. 회충약이 필요하는데요. 고양이가 좀 야생하는데 못잡아요 - and I set off in search of the new 동물병원 (veterinarian) in my neighborhood. You know the
ridiculous new shopping center that was built in Banyawol in my absence? Well, on the fourth floor, there is a vet. Last time I lived in Korea I trekked all the way downtown for a vet... and now there's one a ten minute walk from my house!

The clinic is called Cool Pet (this is actually a chain, with clinics located throughout the country), and the vet in the Cool Pet at Lotte Plaza by Yulha Subway Station is cute, nice, and speaks enough English to clarify things that weren't in my translated note. You know, like how am I planning to give this medicine to my cat if I can't catch it, am I sure that it actually has roundworms, and how much does it weigh? Anyway, he sold me roundworm medicine for $2 - I love how the Korean vet system, like their human healthcare system, is affordable. And, while I didn't get proposed to - which happened in a previous overseas vet visit - it was a pleasant experience... and there were adorable puppies that crawled all over me :-)

I just mixed Charlie's first dose of medicine in with his (or her...) food, which the little fatty promptly wolfed down.

1 comment:

JIW said...

I am using Cool Pet for my guys too. Ooo I hope yours feels better. ^^