Now, those of you who know me or who read my blog regularly know that for me, finding cats is not unusual. However, this one, which I found last night on Walter Rd, in the Hebardville area just north of Waycross, is special in that he's been neutered. This makes me think he probably belongs to somebody. But, given that I found him crying on the side of the road in a wooded area, I thought I should pick him up. Does he belong to you or anyone you know?

I put up a sign at the intersection nearest to the spot where I found him.
(I've blacked out my phone number here so I don't get any internet crazies calling me. Also, I currently can't find my cell phone - it's lost in my house somewhere - and apparently its battery is dead, because when I call it, it goes straight to voicemail. So much for borrowing someone's cell and following the ringing until I find the damn thing. But I need to locate it in case someone calls!)