Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Combining my favorite thing with what I want to become...

My friend Linda pointed out to me that WorldVets.org is taking a spay/neuter trip to Nicaragua during the exact same time that Waycross College has its spring break. The trip is open to vets, vet students, pre-vet students, vet techs and vet assistants. Now, how could I possibly pass up the opportunity to do my very favorite thing (travel to a foreign country) while assisting with something I care a lot about (spaying and neutering dogs and cats) which could help get me into vet school? Well, there is the problem that I am completely broke, as my ten hours a week at minimum wage doesn't even cover all my bills, much less allow me to put money into savings for a trip to Nicaragua. I have several different ideas for how to come up with the funds. One of these ideas will involve completely refurbishing my online store - but I can't start on that until after this week of exams is over. In the meanwhile, I am simply asking for your help. And as my birthday is September 25, you could also think of it as a birthday present :-)


Rob said...

I dont think your counter is working properly. It still says $0. =) Happy early birthday and GL in Nicaragua.

Diana said...

Happy birthday, Jane :) Have fun!

annie said...

Hahaha, the counter *is* broken - thanks guys! Assuming I make it there, you cats get cool Nicaraguan presents!!