The plumbers came out today and spent about four or five hours crawling about under my house (the poor men were completely caked in dirt by the time they were done) and they installed my hard-pipe gas lines. So now, just a few short days before I head out to Korea, I have working gas at my house. Yippee! Better late than never. They said that the house was obviously built atop the ramins of a much older house which had burnt down, and that the remains of the previous home were quite visable from underneath. While I would love to see what's down there, after seeing the state in which all of the men emerged from down there, I guess it will remain forever a mystery.
Mom and I met another of my neighbors this morning. He's a retired Army man, really nice, who lives down the block from me. He was the other person who called the cops the other night when I called about all that ruckus next door. He told us that the group of people who had lived in that house before were pretty bad, but he figured they're renting, they'll move out eventually... then they did and this bunch moved in! Ahh well. If I had the money, I'd try and buy up the surrounding houses and then be *very* picky about who I rented to. Alas, I can't really fund that right now.
I talked to Gwen's travel agent this afternoon regarding my tickets to Korea. While they haven't been confirmed yet, it's pretty likely that this will be my itinerary:
Monday, July 31st: Spend the night in a hotel near the airport in Jacksonville, FL. Tuesday, August 1st: Leave Jacksonville at 7:25am. Fly from Jacksonville to Chicago to San Francisco to Korea-Incheon and finally to Korea-Daegu. Due to the crossing of the international date line, not to mention the time spent in transit, I'll be arriving in Daegu sometime on Thursday, August 3rd. Then, after a few days to recover and get situated, I'll start teaching on Monday, August 7th. Whew! Shall we start taking bets on whether or not my black suitcase makes it? (No suitcase travel harm!) Anyhow, just so you'll know where exactly I'll be, I've included this nice little map of South Korea for you to view. (Remember, I'll be in Daegu; Seoul and Busan are just on there for reference.)
Mom and I met another of my neighbors this morning. He's a retired Army man, really nice, who lives down the block from me. He was the other person who called the cops the other night when I called about all that ruckus next door. He told us that the group of people who had lived in that house before were pretty bad, but he figured they're renting, they'll move out eventually... then they did and this bunch moved in! Ahh well. If I had the money, I'd try and buy up the surrounding houses and then be *very* picky about who I rented to. Alas, I can't really fund that right now.
I talked to Gwen's travel agent this afternoon regarding my tickets to Korea. While they haven't been confirmed yet, it's pretty likely that this will be my itinerary:
Monday, July 31st: Spend the night in a hotel near the airport in Jacksonville, FL. Tuesday, August 1st: Leave Jacksonville at 7:25am. Fly from Jacksonville to Chicago to San Francisco to Korea-Incheon and finally to Korea-Daegu. Due to the crossing of the international date line, not to mention the time spent in transit, I'll be arriving in Daegu sometime on Thursday, August 3rd. Then, after a few days to recover and get situated, I'll start teaching on Monday, August 7th. Whew! Shall we start taking bets on whether or not my black suitcase makes it? (No suitcase travel harm!) Anyhow, just so you'll know where exactly I'll be, I've included this nice little map of South Korea for you to view. (Remember, I'll be in Daegu; Seoul and Busan are just on there for reference.)

Wow, good luck, Bon voyage! and where will you be blogging from?
brutal flight time through to korea, but depending on airline, it can be nice. korean air's pretty neat from what my parents said. they use that usually when shuttling between seoul and SF. koreans are proud of taekwondo. just a tip to get a conversation started once you land in korea. and watch out for kim-jong il
Going back for more abuse! Hopefully it won't be a midnight run this time! I wish you the best of luck, my wander-lust friend. Next time try to stay in the states for a little longer!
keeler, you're hot
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