Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break is not what it used to be!

My Spring Break officially started today at 10:30am. No, I'm not heading off to Florida, and sadly I'm not heading off to Nicaragua with my good friend Linda... No, instead I'm pulling the carpet out of my bedroom and laying down tile. Let's just say that with dogs at various stages of house-broken-ness and a cat who poops in the box but prefers to pee in the corner, that carpet had to go. Needless to say, I did not take any "before" pictures. Too embarrassing. I am currently about 1/3 of the way done, which I think is pretty impressive, considering I only just started. Forgive the quality of the pictures below; they were taken with my cell phone.

There's a rather interesting space between the baseboards and the floor, which I hadn't known existed until I pulled up the carpet. Should be able to hide that with quarter rounds once the floor tile is down. I had to go buy a crowbar (prybar?) to get that strip-o-nails out of there.

Unlike my spare bedroom, which had a nice solid wood floor hiding under its hideous carpet, the floor in my bedroom has been patched with plywood. Unfortunately, the plywood and the wood floor are not level, so I'm going to have to cover that seam with something to keep from constantly stubbing my toes!

Also, in one corner of the room, it seems that the wood floor was cut, then glued back together. I have no clue.

Sava checks out the newly tiled corner.

I thought about leaving it like this, but there's just too much unsightliness to the wood in this room. And having a half-tiled room would be rather odd.

Meanwhile, while I'm working on the floor, Tommy Rot is sacked out on *my* side of the bed, with his head on *my* pillow. And to think... his weak bladder is one of the main reasons for this floor-covering overhaul!

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