Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Yulha 2: it used to be a field...

Today was Independence Movement Day, and as such, a national holiday here in Korea. I didn't expect to do anything at all today, as the weather forecast predicted rain all day long. I woke up late to the surprising discovery that while it was dreary and overcast, it wasn't actually raining. I figured I should make use of my day off and at the very least take a walk. I decided to check out Yulha 2, the brand new neighborhood located just to south of my neighborhood. The last time I was here, during 2006-2007, the area which today makes up Yulha 2 was just a field. Granted, everything on our earth was once a field or untamed wilderness or somesuch, but it's always a shock to witness the kind of development that three years can bring. Keep in mind, everything in these pictures sprang up since September 2007. Compared to my delightfully retro neighborhood, Yulha 2 is frighteningly modern!



This apartment complex (still under construction) will house atheletes during the 2011 IAAF World Championships, to be held in August-September 2011.


The Yulha 2 development extends all the way to the Geumho River (which runs east/west across northern Daegu)

Yulha 2 as seen from the Geumho River
To see the complete set of photographs from Yulha 2, CLICK HERE.


Christy said...

Wow! That's just crazy! It is interesting the see modern juxtaposed with traditional pictures you take!

annie said...

It's quite interesting - the new and old neighborhoods are separated by a 4 lane highway; crossing it is like moving between worlds!