Rest in peace, Pewter.
My mother and I are animal lovers, and this goes a long way to explaining the fact that I have three cats here in K-stan, and that between the two of us we have around thirty cats and six dogs in the US. Unfortunately, not all animals get along. One would like to think that a puppy found at a small age would grow up in the presence of 30 odd cats, thinking they were nothing more than small, lovable playmates. Unfortunately, sometimes nature overrides nurture, and the small puppy rescued from the Waycross ghetto grows up to have a tendency to chase cats. At first one compensates by fencing said dog into the backyard, and hoping that the cats have enough sense to steer clear. For the most part they do. Then in February, a mentally ill person (and that's a completely different story) lets said dog into the house - the cats' domain - and the dog kills a cat. The blame falls on the menally ill individual, not on the dog. Unfortunately, the dog now has a taste for blood, and goes as far as to jump the fence to get at cats. As this dog is a sweety otherwise (not to mention beautiful and unbelievably strong), and as finding good homes for pets is tough, we give her one more chance. Then little Pewter gets into the backyard, and my mother doesn't reach him in time. She made the decision to have Shiva (the dog) put down; however, the vet agreed to hold onto her for ten days in hopes of finding her a good, cat-free home. Shiva (the large, black dog in the center of this picture) really is a good dog, but she cannot live somewhere with cats or small dogs. I would also keep her away from small children - she's never gone after any, but you never know. Anyway, if there's anyone in the GA/FL area who would like a large dog and who doesn't have any cats, small dogs, or young kids, let me know. Now I'm going to go home, snuggle up with my kitties, and cry.
I am really sorry to hear about this, Jane. I hope that someone can take Shiva and that she can have a healthy, happy, cat-free life.
Poor Pewter. I'm so sorry, Jane. :(
Aww! Poor Pewter.
condolences, may pewter RIP
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