This is Ayana.
She's the daughter of one of the local teachers who works at the school... and she loves cats. (Also, for those interested, Lucy's had her stitches taken out and seems to be doing quite well, although she has what appears to be an abnormal amount of scar tissue where she was spayed.) Anyway, yesterday Ayana brought me a present she had made for my cats: a box full of grass, leaves, flowers, pieces of bread and a plastic "pond" for them to drink out of. The cats loved it.

That's a great idea. Maybe I will do one for my parents' cats! I think my mum got them a cat chia pet for Christmas...this is the logical next step.
Those photos are so cute!
Aww. How thoughtful.
Living in Kryzagstan must be a very very interest experience. Interesting blog. I don't know a lot about the country so your blog is pretty informative.
I'll come back and check it out again...
Aw, what a sweet, thoughtful little girl!
-Brooke S.
Stories and photos like this is why your blog is great...what an adorable and thoughtful little girl!
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