Friday, March 20, 2009

Scare crow??

I was driving down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere today, and in front of a house (which looked unlived in) was a dead crow up in a tree. Not only was it dead, but it was TIED TO THE TREE. Talk about creepy. Like horror movie creepy. I got a close-up of the dead bird. I was going to get a distance shot to show the whole scene, but then this car pulled up and wouldn't drive past my car, so I felt like I had to get out of there right away!



Anonymous said...

Creepy. And I mean Silence of the Lambs creepy.

Brooke said...

I remember one summer at Sewanee, a friend and I tied string dolls to trees next to the Perimeter, to freak out the freshman during PRE. It was around the time of the Blair Witch Project. Yes, I, too, can be warped...

Oh, and after I saw Silence of the Lambs for the first time during my own freshman year, Gerry knocked on my door but ran away fast enough to hide. He had tacked a dead moth to my corkboard!

(Gee, I hope no prospective students are reading this!)

The crow is disturbing, though. Really. I don't think I would have even stopped.

krayzykatlady said...

i heard that a bunch of idiots think hanging a dead crow will scare away live ones. i also heard that it doesn't work. seriously, if there's a dead person hanging out in a tree somewhere, do you think people would go away from it, or get as close as they could (with their cameras)?

Anonymous said...

It is possible that the crow had the line attached to him then got it caught in the tree. Of course it could be a voodoo sign or some crazy redneck trying to scare people off of his property because he does not want those kids and their dog sneaking around his place while he holds his illegal dog or cock fight. In all reality,its just a gang or drug symbol for the local drug dealer, sort of like turn left at the dead crow then look in the mailbox and get your meth. Drop the money or I will hang your ass from the tree. The sad part is that the crow now just sits there ominously like some symbol from an outdates southern shot story or novel. The truth is that it also might have been someones lunch. They were just airing him out before he went into the frying pan or oven. These are hard time. :-)

Anonymous said...

CREEPY!! We have the same type of situation going on right now at our work office. Out back, there is a dead crow in the tree with a string attached to it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the reason for seeing this oddity is more likely due to a bird getting caught in fishing line or kite lines. This is a known problem with wildlife. Do some research by typing in "fishing line bird death" on google. Also, in response to W. Shedd's post, there is simply no benefit to hanging a dead bird from a tree. I'm sorry but this myth needed to be debunked!

Anonymous said...

I shot a crow yesterday morning, hung it in a tree to keep the live ones away. At 6 this morning 3 other crows circled it several times, all "crowing" loudly, then they took off. Ill let you know if they come back tommorow

Anonymous said...

The results are in, after hanging the 3 other crows circled and squawked I left it there for the remainder of that day. Then; fearing bad Oder in the front yard i moved it to another location in the back of my lot.
There was some commotion the next morning. Other than that I have not been awakened by a crow since then, I think it works!!!!

Anonymous said...

well, after about 3 weeks the crows are back, so it worked for a little while, if I get a shot at another one i will leave it hang for a while longer