Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Update on Big Guy

UPDATE: I just spoke with the vet (it's about five hours since I dropped Big Guy off). Upon closer examination of his wounds, the vet decided to go ahead and keep him overnight to make certain that no further infection developed. Some of the wounds had developed necrotic flesh, and there were several un-ruptured abscesses (including the one in his back foot that he wouldn't let me touch this morning). He has numerous sutures around the area where the dead flesh was excised, and he had a drain installed in one of the worst wounds. Plus, he won't be allowed into a litter box (at least not one with cat litter in it) until the injury in his back foot heals! And did I mention that they went ahead and neutered him, too? Poor guy is not going to be happy! We should be able to pick him up tomorrow morning.


Pollyanna_H said...

I say it again - he's an extremely lucky cat!

Angiar said...

This ain't related to this post, but I loved your writing regarding Kyrgyzstan. You did really explored it well. I have looked through all of your posts tagged Kyrgyzstan. Keep up with you traveling and personal experiences. Nargiza

krayzykatlady said...

did your vet mention the idea of "yesterday's news" or another paper-based litter? our office recommends those pellet-types for cats with foot injuries or recent declaws (not that we declaw - we SO don't). might be nicer than no litter at all...
and i'm glad they tutored the boy.

zanauku said...

What is the point of trapping and neutering a feral cat? Now, lost to (un)natural selection, the only purpose of its otherwise worthless life is to please one eyes. Feral and cautious survive, pure-bred are breed, and unlucky semiferals got their gene pool axed.

Port Douglas hotels said...

I hope Big Guy will survive it, she is a lucky cat and cute. I have fun reading your blogs, I've just read To Pohang and Back and I love the photo of those dogs and tiger lantern. Thanks I'll be waiting for your next update on Big Guy.