Gwen recently left Daegu for a month-long vacation in the US... but, oddly enough, her absence has not reduced the number of people in Korea originally from Lake City to just me. There is at least one other former Lake Citian on the peninsula, my buddy Steve. He came down to Daegu from Pyongtaek yesterday to see what there was to see in this corner of the land of the morning calm. We had lunch downtown, then went up to Palgong Mountain to visit Donghwasa and do some hiking along the river, and then had dinner with my cousin. All in all, good times. The complete set of photos from my this and previous trips to Donghwasa can be seen here.

Steve contemplates some superfantastic bibimbap.

Water lily at Donghwasa

Water lily at Donghwasa

Buddha carved in stone, Donghwasa

Scary bug - I didn't edit this at all; this is how it really looked!


Cousin George