Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Make Your Own Konglish: A Tutorial

Whenever I post pictures of "konglish" - Korean misinterpretations, mis-spellings, and misuses of the English language - I inevitably get questions like "Why didn't they use a dictionary?" "Why didn't they just ask a native speaker?" and "Do you think this was made by someone who knew it was wrong and thought it would be funny?" Well, folks, the answer is that "they" (whoever they are) probably just ran some text through an electronic translator. I ran the text of my July 31st post, Rails to Parks, through two different online translators, (for Russian) and bablylon (for Korean). I translated my text first into Russian or Korean (respectively), then back into English. The results sound remarkably Konglishy. They also sound a bit like what lazy students turn in for homework! Check 'em out:


Back in 2007 I has found out old station Banyawol. As I have mentioned before, Banyawol - the neighbourhood of Taegu in which I live. The station (and traces which it has once served) sat left, simple five-minute walk from school where I worked. (A new line trains and station about ten-minute immersing on the southeast have prevailed a place.) now, I have something like attachment to all things a train - to especially all things an old train - and I completely loved an environment of old station.

However, advanced in years that I have left Korea, development has overtaken sleepy Banyawol. The unused railway has been torn to, make the way for complexes of apartment and the planned visiting of shop and business services. Absolutely new complex of apartment Gven is entered, passing that once was old station Banyawol.

However, the station has not been destroyed, simply moved. About 15-minute walk to the south from its previous site (about five-minute walk from Electronic salesroom Banyawol) the new park has been created along an old bed of a rail. Old station - the main central part of park though the building is locked difficult and closed for visitors. I am excited that the station has been rescued, though the park definitely lacks in an environment of old station.

And from Babylon:

I was again in 2007 found an old Banyawol train station. In front of me, Banyawol in Daegu, near the. The train station, tracking service once sat abandoned only five minutes from the school where I worked. new railway station, about 0 minutes to dive into south-east, the place of. Now I was a little bit of all of his affection for the Train, especially in all the work on old Train -- and I entirely up to the atmosphere.

However, for many years, I left South Korea, development is Banyawol overtaken sleepy. The train that do not use the Line been torn away apartments and to the shopping and business plan. The new Gwen to enter apartment brand, while driving through the old Banyawol train station.

In the station, however, is not destroyed the Will Be before. If it takes about 15 minutes before the location (about 5 minutes walk from the Banyawol E-mart) new park, along with the old railroad went to sleep. Old Station of the core, even if the building is locked tight to visitors, and closed the door. I stored in the station, but was the park is the atmosphere lack the Old Station.

1 comment:

JIW said...

Awesome! Featured it on Expat Abundance: