In August 2007, as my previous stint in Korea drew to a close, another English teacher named Diana arrived to serve as my replacement. I left her with a bunch of various items, including my COSTCO membership card, which identified me as Jane Leeler. Diana moves back to the US this Thursday. She stopped by the school this evening to say goodbye, and to leave me "her" Jane Leeler card :-)

Wow. Not that you were chubby by any possible means, but have you lost weight since the last time you were here? Your face looks a tad fuller in Costco picture. Maybe it's just the scarf on your hair.
I did gain weight the last time I was here, especially in the winter when I stayed inside where it was warm eating chocopies :-) Conversely, I lost a ton of weight in Kyrgyzstan (which for someone my size is NOT healthy!!)
You just added me as a contact on Flickr (Paul in Uijeongbu) and I was very surprised to see your Costco card, as it's something that Diana E. showed me when I visited her recently. Guess it really is a small world after all!
Haha, yeah I thought I saw pictures of Diana in your photostream! :-)
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