Sunday, October 31, 2010

The continuing process of winning over a feral cat

Charlie still won't let me pet him.

Charlie still won't let me pet him.

Looking at these pictures, it's almost impossible to believe that this is the same dirty and terrified kitten that I rescued, kicking, screaming, and biting, from the mean streets of Daegu back in early September. For starters, Charlie is getting FAT. He (or she; I still haven't been able to check) eats a lot, and I am perfectly happy to spend my hard earned cash of an endless supply of Whiskas. Unfortunately, after nearly two months, I still can't pet him. He has, however, gotten much braver. No longer does he spend all day hiding out of sight under the bed or inside the couch. Nowadays, he likes to be in the same room with me (even following me to the bathroom), and will sit on the couch (in the above pics) or on my bed... keeping me company from about two feet away. Any attempts to pet him result in him scurrying off. What he loves more than anything is his toy - we go through about one of these a week - which he plays with constantly. I'm definitely hopeful that eventually I will have a snuggly, purring friend, although right now I'm content to have a furry friend staring at me from across the room.

ALSO: Anyone near Seoul interested in adopting a super-cute and super-friendly, super-tiny kitten? If so, check out this blog for more info!!


Matt said...

I think he/she's definitely starting to look like a boy.. gettin big and fat, and lounging around.

I have a feeling you're going to have a purring lap-kitler soon :)

JIW said...

I can't wait till mine is that age. Hey thanks for the mention. I already have some takers so things look good. :)