Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sahn's First Birthday

In Korean culture, the 1st birthday and the 60th are really big deals. Sahn has a long way to go before his 60th, but his dol (also called doljanchi - see wikipedia) was held last night. As you'll see, when I said it was a really big deal, I meant it. First birthday parties are usually held in banquet halls, involve lots of eating, have numerous guests and a emcee, and last for several hours. The highlight of the party is when the baby is placed in front of a table of items (string, a bow-n-arrow, scrolls, a quill, money, etc) - and the first thing he chooses is supposed to predict his future. For example, if a baby chooses the bow, he will be a successful warrior; if he chooses the money, he will be wealthy. Check out the pictures I took below to view Sahn's dol from my point of view... and to see what he chose :-)

Samson, Sahn, Gwen

Gwen and Sahn

Gwen and Sahn

Gwen, Sahn, Samson, and the emcee

The table of items from which Sahn got to choose (money was added to the table before the selection began)

This is Sahn throwing the money off the table! Hahaha :-)

Sahn chose the string - meaning he will have a long life.

Gwen, Sahn, and Samson

Me, Sahn, and Gwen

The complete set of photos can be seen by CLICKING HERE.


Diana said...

So much cute!

Brooke said...

Jane, in case I don't say it often enough, my God, your pictures just get better and better. I love the soft blurred background in the mother and child shot! So colorful, those Koreans. :)