Wednesday, February 07, 2007

New Glasses!!

I bought new glasses today, complete with a new prescription - and fabulously cheap. Why are glasses so freakin' expensive back home? My last pair (frames, lenses and consultation with an optometrist for new prescription) cost nearly $600. These cost $80 - framses, lenses, prescription and all. I am seriously going to buy a new pair of glasses every month for the rest of my stay here. Check them out!

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What do you think?

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The eyesockets of the glasses curve at the sides, and the lenses end before the curves begin. This is apparently some kind of new style - they had a wide selection of this kind of frames. I think they're pretty awesome, although they are a little weird!


Anonymous said...

Cool glasses! $80? Prices have gone up! Is that the going rate? I was thinking of having you pick me up another pair (and also one for Alex). Would you mind?


annie said...

well, i deinitely could have gotten cheaper ones. the plastic frames were the cheapest (around $25) and then there were some that were more expensive than mine ($80 just for frames!) then i had a choice of thin lenses ($30) or thicker ones ($20) and given how thick my right lense is anyway, i went with the $30 thin pair. do you want frames, or frames w/ lenses?