This morning the unthinkable happened: I awoke at 7am without even the aid of an alarm. And not just one of those wake-ups where you roll over, grunt at the clock, and go back to sleep either. I was wide awake, on what was (in Daegu, anyway) a sunny Saturday morning. So, what to do? I decided to pop down to Busan. While I’ve been to Busan before, the last time I was there was in 2004, so I figured it was about time I went back. I decided to take the bus down instead of the train in order to save a few bucks (you know, what with mortgage payments and all), but what I didn’t realize was that Busan’s “central bus terminal” isn’t central at all – it’s at the northern ass-end of the city. In contrast, the train drops you off downtown near the port. The bus station is, however, only one subway stop away from Busan’s famous Beomeosa Temple. At first I thought I might go to Beomeosa, but then I took a look at the sky. In contrast to the sunny morning I’d left behind in Daegu, Busan was overcast and dreary. I’ve been to Beomeosa once before before (back in 2001), and it was overcast and drizzly then too. I figured I’d put off temples and other outdoorsy things for a better day, and I headed instead towards the Busan Aquarium on Haeundae Beach. Unfortunately, from the Nopodong Stubway station (next to the horribly misnamed Central Bus Terminal), it was over an hour to Haeundae Beach. (Of course, Haeundae isn’t anywhere near the downtown train station either, so it probably would have taken me about the same amount of time either way.) I went to the Busan Aquarium back in 2004, and was quite impressed. I enjoyed the aquarium just as much this time around. The complex is located underground, so it doesn’t look too impressive from the outside… but trust me, it’s worth it, if you’re into that sort of thing. Unfortunately, the lighting wasn’t great for taking pictures, so I had a hard time getting decent shots. (I really must get a camera with image stabilization! Not like that would have solved the problem of fishies darting in and out of my photos, but….)

One of the tanks

Zebra Eels are my newest favorite aquatic creatures.
Watch a short video clip of Zebra Eels.
(Click here if you can't get the video to play.)

Most of the tanks were designed to look like natural habitats
except for this poor guy, who was stuck in the
"Year of the Golden Pig" tank.

Giant Octopus!

Shark Attack!!

Using a mirror, there's a picture of me and a shark :-)
Check out the sharks and huge fish in the shark tank.
(Click here if you can't get the video to play.)

Jellyfish are fabulous. As long as they're not stinging me.

More jellyfish.
After spending a few hours inside the aquarium, I emerged to find Haeundae Beach colder and drearier than it had been when I had descended into the aquarium.

Haeundae Beach (the "Korean Riviera") was very dreary today.

It's the Grand Hotel Haeundae. Hard to believe that I once
stayed there as a VIP. What a lifetime ago.
Nonetheless, I decided to make my way out to my favorite spot on Haeundae Beach: the mermaid located at the tip of Dongbaek Island (well, it’s called an island, although it’s connected by a manmade isthmus). If you stand on Haeundae Beach facing the water, the mermaid’s at that tip of land to your right. The closest I’ve ever found as to an explanation of *why* the mermaid is there is this:
At the seashore underneath the rock wall sits the statue of a mermaid. It represents the legendary heart breaking love story of the princess of Topaz from the Naranda country beyond the Sea. In this country lived a mermaid who was married to the King of Mungungnara. She shed many tears longing for her homeland and reflected on the topaz bead given by her grandmother-in-law. A monument for the song "Come back to Busan Port" (sung by Jo Yong-pil) stands at the flower garden of the shore protection roadside of Haeundae Beach. [from here]

The Mermaid

Up close and personal
Anyway, I scrambled over the rocks to get all the way out to the mermaid to take some pictures, and then decided it was about time to head back to Daegu. My body had suddenly realized it was operating on too few hours of sleep.
On my way back to the subway station, I ran into a Korean woman with a group of elementary school girls. Apparently, she was their English teacher, and they were out on a quest to find English speaking foreigners to practice with. After asking if I’d chat for a little while, she then asked if she could film the conversation. Um, okay. The kids asked me a lot of simple questions (What is your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Do you like kimchi?) and the woman asked me if I would ever consider falling in love with a Korean man. Um, okay, sure. Yep, I’m on film saying this, although sadly she wasn’t offering any ;-) When the “interview” was concluded, the kids gave me chocolate! Awesome.

I would just like to point out that I'm sporting hot pink, orange and lime green.
Then I made my way back to Nopodong and hopped a bus back to Daegu. I was asleep before the bus left the parking lot. Didn’t wake up until we pulled back into Daegu.
I miss public transportation.
What a nice excursion! Can I come visit? (As if.)
Giant Octopus, FTW!
Haeundae Beach.. No relation to the car company, I hope!
It's weird those days you wake up at some awful time in the morning, fully awake.
Caitlin - come any time!
Shadyman - Nope, Haeundae has 3 syllables, as opposed to Hyundai (the car company) which has two. They are both Korean though :-)
sweet post. i think you spend alot of time and your posts are so good. i esp like the kids and once again, your sense of style.
lately i have been really a fan of wearing a bunch of shades of the same color. It makes me so flippin happy when I am wearing wine colored cords with a bright fuschia long sleeved shirt and a light purple t shirt over it. or an outfit dedicated to the spectrum of browns or purples or blues.
i used to do like orange and blue together, or pink and orange like what you have going on, but lately looking like those color wheels in art class is more my thing.
well thank you for waking up early, although waking early on a sat is just all wrong wrong wrong, you made it good.
oooo - color wheels. i would totally do that, except that there's so much less effort required in order to clash :-)
i would also like to report that today (Sunday) i woke up at 1:00pm and didn't get dressed until 3:00...
Awesome photos! I have always wanted to go to the aquarium there. I poked my head in at the aquarium under Busan tower but it looked a bit drab from the door way.
Do you know any good restaurants in Busan? I have been there a couple times but have not found the amazing seafood/other food that I was hoping for. I did see Jagalchi and wanted to eat there but as it was my first month in Korea I was a bit nervous ordering in a place like that by myself haha.
Looks like a great trip!
Rob - You should definitely go to the aquarium if you get a chance. As far as restaurants... I have to admit that I ate at Popeye's. This is because I neglected to eat breakfast before I left, and by the time I was finished with the aquarium, it was 2pm or so, and all I'd consumed consisted of 2 coffees and a coke. I was totally juiced on caffeine and thought I might pass out... and I emerged from the aquarium and found myself face to face with Popeye's. Couldn't resist.
Ordering seafood in this country kind of scares me, ever since that time in 2004 when I ended up with a dish involving live octopus. Let's just say I needed a lot of soju to stomach that.
Aack - I saw the sign for that place after I emerged from the aquarium's food court, after just having pigged out on fried chicken. Must go back!
Jane - The live octopus is great if you can 1) get it to stop sucking onto the plate 2) get it to stop sucking onto your chopsticks 3) get it to stop stucking onto your teeth.
I will have to make sure the aquarium is on my to do list the next time Im there. Thanks for the recommendation. =)
Gwen - Do you live in Busan or Daegu? I just went to an Indian place in downtown Daegu this past weekend that was pretty good and tomorrow going to one that is supposed to be even better by Kyungpook (right accross from the North Gate.) I'll give the review soon if you have not been there already. =)
I would like to point out that you are not much taller than those kids. You are a tiny!
Also, is that one little girl on the end sneezing, or what?
When I visited Busan last year, the line for the aquarium was too long so my friends and I decided not to go. Fortunately I have your blog--
And I have to agree with Caitlin. One of the things I miss about Korea is its public transportation. It's so easy to travel up and down the peninsula . . . unlike California.
Gwen The Indian restaurant at NorthGate was really good. The menu looked larger than that at the one downtown. Also the garlic nan was less greasy. The curry lunch special was only 4,000w. =)
Indo Bang Rang Gi: Recommended
Mmmm..... "galic" nan....
very cool photos
Guano Island
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