Monday, April 02, 2007

Breathing Easier

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This picture was taken from the same location as the one below, at roughly the same time. It seems that the yellow dust has mostly cleared out. You can even see mountains in the distance! View Juxtaposition.


Anonymous said...

When I lived in Chengde, we had a number of terrible dust storms during the Spring. The winds from the ghobi dessert would pick up the sand and blow it to the East causeing a horrendous nightmare. There were several occasions that I got caught outside, and I just looked like I had been govered in a layers of dirt on both occasions. It was an awful experience as it got in your ears, nostrels, caked your skin, and coated your hair. Not to mention the layer of dirt that you brought in on your clothes. Aparently this was common in China becasue of desertifacation, so the Chinese are now planting trees and grasses and watering them to try and hlat the process of dessert expansion. The only other problem that I experience was pollution days when polutants from the surrounding industries would cloud the sky in a haze of chimical vapor. These days disturbed me the most. Maybe, we shall all think about alternatives to coal and gas. This might help with the dessert problem as well. I take my exams tomorrow and thursaday and my orals are on the next wednesday. I am so fucking exhausted.


annie said...

wow - that makes me feel a lot less like I want to go to china!