I had plans for today. Or, to be more accurate, I had ideas for plans. Such as going to Busan or Gyeongju to visit some temples. Or heading out to the Bullo Dong tombs in hopes that I hadn't missed the flowers. See, the past few weeks have brought days where the skies have been a brilliant blue - thus making excellent weather for photography (see the pictures in last Sunday's post as an example). Unfortunately, today was simply hazy. I couldn't tell if it was pollution, yellow dust or pollen - or a combination of all three. As you can see from the above picture (taken from my rooftop) it's not exactly the sort of air that's conducive to crisp, clear photos. And, annoyingly, weather.com is forecasting doom and gloom for next weekend. Boo!
Just curious, what are they building with all those cranes in the background?
Is South Korea experiencing a construction boom like China is?
I'm no weather expert and neither are they as they've changed the outlook to sunny and warm now for both Seoul and Daejeon this weekend when yesterday it was torrential downpours.
Growing up on a farm and really following the weather, I've always wondered how they devised the chance of rain percentage that they use. My TV viewing area was over 10,000 square miles and the weather forecasters would only say that there was a 20% chance of rain. Not for any area/town in particular. And, they refused to tell me if that 20% was for the the entire area, as in 20% of it would see actual rainfall or that there was that chance that one square inch had a chance at that 20% rainfall.
They also seemed rather poor at forecasting actual rainfall amounts and have now began recruiting the general public to call in with totals and information. It really annoys me when they miss the boat entirely and break into programming after the storm has pretty much come and gone. What's the use of even a 12-hour forecast when they miss it then? How can we realistically rely on a 7-10 day version?
BTW, I am also surrounded by cranes as apartment complexes are going up everywhere. The old ones are showing wear and are being phased out in my neighborhood. I'm dreading the day my small complex is issued the removal of all residents order by the local government. Yet, I know that if there is an earthquake, my building and I are goners.
The area with all the cranes used to be farmland. Soon it will be another one of those high-tower apartment complexes that are all over the peninsula.
As you can see, I live in one of the older neighborhoods. I wonder how long it will be before it is "modernized" too? I love my old neighborhood - it's so full of personality, unlike all the homogenous new areas.
Also, I've noticed that the weather channel has been pretty accurate w/ respect to Daegu forecasts. But here's hoping the weekend is sunny and clear.
How about tombs on Sunday if you have not gone already?
Tombs on Sunday definitely! Assuming it's not raining.
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