Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another pet post

UPDATE: The apartment management company has ammended their pet policy to read, "Cat owners must use some form of scratch prevention to avoid damage to the apartment." - Hooray! No more mandated declawing :-)

My friends and fellow cat lovers Linda and Shaggy (who live in San Diego, CA) have recently been informed by their apartment of a new policy requiring all cat owners to have their cats declawed. Refusal to comply can lead to eviction. In case you seem to think that this is perfectly reasonable, allow me to point out that declawing is not the equivalent to mere fingernail removal. It is, in fact, the equivalent to a human being having the tips of his/her fingers removed at the last knuckle. It is an inhumane procedure, which is outlawed in many countries. (For more information on declawing, click here.) Anyhow, Linda has a rather lengthy post on her situation, and her efforts to get the apartment management company to change their policy. Please click here to read. And feel free to email the apartment management company to voice your complaint - I have sent an email to Stanley Cohen [scohen@apmanagement.net] head of property management for the company's San Diego division. I will let you know what, if anything, I receive in reply.


don said...

What she might do is trim the cat's claws with clippers regularly and keep a record of it. Perhaps the landlord would accept a compromise. If not and they tried to evict her she would have a record that the cat was "de-clawed" in a humane way. I trim my cat's claws every few weeks. It only takes a few minutes and the cat got used to it.

Anonymous said...

Declawing - a thing I first heard of in Korea - from the Americans....bbbrrr......shudder....

I'm glad, they found another solution!

Rob said...

"A nation of freedom." A discussion we can have which I'm sure we can yell at each other for a while hahaha ;)

Coppee chuseeyo! Mekchu chuseeyo!

annie said...

...as long as there's coppee and mekchu!