I went downtown this afternoon for the purpose of buying Revolution, a heartworm preventative for cats. When I met Mia's first vet up in Seoul, he told me that he had applied Revolution to prevent heartworm, and that this drug should be applied periodically. While I thought the man was fantastic in general (not only was he a fantastic vet, but he was fluent in English and a hotty to boot!), I thought that giving a cat a heartworm preventative was going a little overboard. I thought, don't only dogs get heartworm? Then, two weeks ago when I brought Mia to her vet here in Daegu for the first time, one of the questions she asked me was whether or not Mia was on a heartworm prevention regimine, and if so, what medication. She also stressed the importance of keeping her heartworm prevention meds current. According to Mia's records, she was due for her next dose of Revolution (applied to the back of the neck in the same manner as Advantage) on December 30th, so I said I would come back then (today!) to pick up the medicine. Before going in, I googled cats and heartworm infections, and found out that while heartworms pose a greater threat to dogs, they still can infect - and kill - cats. Here's a pretty good article on the topic for you cat owners out there.
I continue to be impressed with my vet. While I had said that I would come in today, I had not scheduled a time. I entered the clinic, and the secretary immediately knew who I was, "Mia's owner"! The vet came down and talked to me, reminded me that Mia's due for her last injection next Saturday, and sold me my Revolution. She told me that unfortunately she has been unable to locate the brand of glucosamine which I have been giving to Mia; however, she said she will continue to look. (In the meanwhile, I have located the product online.)
After leaving the vet's office, I decided to walk to the center of downtown (about a 20 minute walk from the vet), where I did a little shopping and saw some things which amused me enough to photograph:
I continue to be impressed with my vet. While I had said that I would come in today, I had not scheduled a time. I entered the clinic, and the secretary immediately knew who I was, "Mia's owner"! The vet came down and talked to me, reminded me that Mia's due for her last injection next Saturday, and sold me my Revolution. She told me that unfortunately she has been unable to locate the brand of glucosamine which I have been giving to Mia; however, she said she will continue to look. (In the meanwhile, I have located the product online.)
After leaving the vet's office, I decided to walk to the center of downtown (about a 20 minute walk from the vet), where I did a little shopping and saw some things which amused me enough to photograph:

I know that 2007 is supposedly the Year of the Golden Pig and all...
...but I just don't understand how the Eiffel Tower fits in.

Close-up of the Golden Pig

The cute guy working at the Starbucks asked me if I wanted
"A lot, a lot, a lot of whipped cream" - I said yes. Yum!

There were several people in various places throughout downtown
holding bilingual "free hugs" signs. Weird.

"The temple of god who is hot!!"
This was on the window of a restaurant selling spicey Korean foods.

The cat's not out of the bag yet! :-)

I took this at work yesterday.
Gwen melted the school's new computer with a space heater.