It seems that the people of the Waycross area need some serious education regarding how to take care of their domestic animals. I'm actually working on something which might help... but until I get that going, I figured I'd start by doing something simple. Now, I'm not much of a bumper sticker person, but they seem like a pretty good way to start spreading the word:

(That's Alley Cat on the car.)

Save a life - adopt a shelter pet!!
If you're interested in helping to spread the word, has some excellent shirts and bumper stickers pertaining to spaying/neutering and adopting from shelters.
I'm always shocked when I hear about people who have bought puppies from breeders or a pet store. Last time someone told me that, I barely controlled my horror as I said "Oh My God! Why?" and they answered "we've heard this breeders produces dogs who are very good with children and we wanted something specific." I couldn't really say anything more to them about it as I realized that I just don't "get it", you know?
BTW - do you have my Volvo key or happen to know where I put it?
I don't think crazy glueing your cat to the trunk is the message you want to convey
Melissa - I have your key. I even brought it all the way to NC with me... and back. Oooops. I'll send it to you. Also - someone came in the other day wanting info on local German Shepherd breeders, and I tried to get them interested in our super adorable shepherd mix puppies... and they not only refused to even look at them, but got all miffy with me for not having any breeder info to share!
Joe - HAHAHAHAHA! OMG, I just about fell out of my chair.
W. Shedd - It is so horrible seeing animals die needlessly because people just don't care. I wish they had to actually be the ones euthanizing the things they bring in to us. Then perhaps they wouldn't be so quick to toss out their pets.
I foster one dog at a time from a local rescue organization, and I too am shocked at how little the public knows about breeders vs. shelters.
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