Other than the arrival of that ridiculously large shopping center in what was once an empty field, not much has changed since I left Daegu in fall 2007... except for those former students of mine who are still at the school. Take a look at how two of my former students have changed over the past few years!

Judy, featured above, started studying English as a beginner in my class back in 2007 - as in learning the alphabet, folks. Well, she has definitely progressed far beyond that! Today was the last day of my summer intensive class (which means I will have more free time from now on!), and the final homework assignment I gave the class was to write a story about anything they wanted, as long as they wrote at least one page. This is Judy's story (you can see it larger by clicking on it if you need to):

That is so funny. I guess that's how you were able to survive on Jones St. -- a little 'black magic'!
I must get it from you, considering...
Aaaack! I miss Judy & Co. so much :-( But I am glad you are enjoying them in my absence.
Everything about the story and white board drawing is fantastic. Could you please teach me how to fly a battery-powered bloom?
I think I'm going to have to spell your last name Kex2ler from now on....
I thought they drew you smoking a cigarette before I noticed the squiggly lines connect to balloons.
My intensive class was such a wonderful group - I wish all my classes were as smart, funny, and creative!
I'm not sure what it is my students see in me... I had a student in Russia tell me in one of her assignments: "Jane, I think you some kind immortal elf princess" :-)
Also, janeke2xler would make a cool website address!
haha. This is awesome. :) Judy and Melissa are amazing!
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