Monday, September 18, 2006

Working Roots

My mom has been working on ways to protect the Hermitage from its neighbors (you know, the ones who stole my electricity, smashed my mailbox and stole my copper pipes). No, not an alarm system or a dog... working roots. Before I left she stapled some dried wild garlic flowers to the front door. Just the other day someone ripped them down, and she decided to step the magic up a notch. Below is what she emailed me this morning. I only hope it doesn't encourage graffiti. Who knows, maybe it will keep the crack-heads off the front porch. And you thought I was the weird one of the family.

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That's the replaced garlic flowers and the All-Seeing Eye at Jane's house. the symbol goes back to the ancient Egyptians, and this is a turkish version. It's supposed to reflect evil back onto the evil-doers. 'Take that, you copper pipe thieves!'


Biddie said...

I have had neighbours from hell more times than I can count. We moved out of our last place because the people next door slashed our tires, stole my 10 year old daughters bike, stole our mail, and sexually harrassed my 17 year old. We moved to an older neighbourhood and on one side is a church. I love it here. The house is about 80 years old and it feels like home. We have a rooming house full of crack heads on the other side of us. I've learned a few things about keeping me and mine safe.
Put a neighbourhood watch sticker in your window. Better yet, join or start one. Have friends stop by to check on the place at different times, stagger it around a bit. keep lights on while you're out, but the same ones all the time. If you can't afford a video camera, get a fake one. They're crack heads, it'll fool them. Motion lights are a good deterant, too and they don't cost much.
I think that you're little house is lovely. Don't let them scare you away.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

The sooner you can convince them that you and your mom are witches, the better.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of my room in high school. :)

annie said...

oh man, I didn't even think of that, but you're right!

Unknown said...

rock on with the eye, i dunno i started a neighborhood watch and from then on random crap was missing from my car consistently, pennies and earrings (not valuable really, but nordstroms and nice enough to me), cd's (without cases) and other random stuff.

good luck with the fiends.

I recommend calling 911 at every opportunity, increased patrols help. when you call, they will decide if it merits a visit, and usually they already know about the problem in the hood.