Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I have stomach flu...

...and it is horrible. Also, I leave for Kyrgyzstan in 6 days. I really need to finish my last minute K-stan shopping and packing, but instead I've been alternating my time between my bed and my bathroom. Aaaack.


Diana said...

Yucky! I hope Christmas got better for ya.

I'm excited about Bishkek for you!

Anonymous said...

I am assuming that you are better by now. If not, then I don't think that it could be food poisoning, could it? In any case, make sure that you are not becoming dehydrated. There are simple oral rehydration solutions that you can make at home http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_rehydration_therapy
Hope that you are better and had a nice vomit-free christmas. :)


annie said...

Thanks guys!

Melissa - Definitely a bug, not food poisoning, as my mom caught it from me on Christmas evening. Thanks for the link I'll share it with my mom.