Thursday, March 20, 2008

Burglary in the Waycross Ghetto

My house – the one in Georgia – was broken into last night. Of course, the only things of value I own are my laptop and my camera, and they’re with me here in Kyrgyzstan. We don’t think anyone picked a lock or anything; my mom thinks she forgot to lock the back door. (Makes one wonder if they’ve been checking the doors *every* night, just to see.) Anyhow, we’re not sure if anything was stolen or not (after all, I’m the one who knows the details of the contents of my house, not my mom), but from what my mom can tell, nothing was taken. They did, however, kinda trash the place, throwing stuff around, trying to figure out where I kept my valuables. Apparently they broke into my old trunk (a likely location for valuables...) only to discover that it was full of wigs and bizarre costumes (see here for examples). We suspect they were sorely disappointed. Mom called the cops and one came out and made a report – fat lot of good that’ll do. Sigh.


Smirking Cat said...

It's an awful feeling when someone breaks into your home. I had an apartment broken into, but unbeknownst to them, I had maybe a couch and an ancient TV, and that was about it! I'd have liked to see their disappointment when they discovered this "loot".

Matt Mason said...

That sucks, and I'm sorry to hear it.

Maybe the cops should be on the lookout for anyone sporting a crazy costume with a wig.

Every once in a while, it pays to be broke....


Anonymous said...

You'd better check to see if those go-go boots are still there. Those are a rarity in Waycross, I'm certain.

Anonymous said...

That sucks, Sorry! At least there wasn't much to take and noone was hurt.
