Sunday, September 05, 2010

Critter Tales

It has been strange adjusting to life without any pets, considering that when I was in Waycross I had access to roughly 60 animals at all times. While I must admit that I don't miss cleaning litter boxes, I definitely miss coming home to a menagerie of fuzzy companions. After Diana left Korea for the US, taking her two kitties with her, her husband brought me her kitties' litterbox, food and water bowls, and half a container of kitty litter. I now have everything I need... except a cat!

Korea isn't a particularly cat friendly culture, so stray cats tend to be much warier than in the US. As such, even armed with numerous cans of tuna, I have yet to catch a single cat. I've fed a bunch, however. Not far from my house is a bar/restaurant known as the Loss Time Bar / BHC Chicken. The owners put out chicken scraps every day for the stray kitties, so there often several kitties in the vicinity of the bar. The other evening I (accompanied by LTB/BHC's owner and his wife and daughter as well as two drunken Korean men) attempted to lure several kitties to me... without any luck.

Loss Time Bar / BHC Chicken
Often there are kittens where that copper colored car is.

feral kittens
These are the two I see most often. I took this picture on my way to work one day last week. They were hanging out in the street next to Loss Time.

feeding feral kittens
And since of course I had tuna in my purse, I fed them.
Yes, I realize that is a little insane.

feeding feral kittens
That evening, there were not two but three kittens next to Loss Time!
While I was feeding them - with the help of a bunch of Koreans - an adult tortishell showed up and ate, too. Didn't catch any, although I came close with the black and white and the tabby.

Meanwhile, I am pet-sitting Gwen's yorkie, Songi, which is going a little way to alleviate the loneliness of not having any pets. But surely she'd like a kitten to play with, right?

Songi's "day bed"


Matt said...

Oh man, check out the mustachio on the black and white kitty!

And although I can never argue with a marmie kitty, I still think black mustachio wins for cuteness.

sandy Keeler said...

At first I thought it was a Hitler look-alike, but now I'm going with Charlie Chaplin.
And how is it I was able to rescue 5 this morning with no problem??

annie said...

Honestly, I'd take whichever one I could catch... but they are sooo not into getting nabbed.

Mom- FIVE????? Maybe you should ship me a cat!