Diana, who will be taking over all my classes very, very soon arrived last night, with Princess, her gorgeous fluffy cat in tow. I don't have any photos of Diana yet, although I have definitely snagged a few of Princess. She has settled in quite well, and seems perfectly (purrfectly?) at home. Meanwhile, Mia has to be locked in the living room in order to keep from killing Princess. I'm starting to feel a bit worried about how Mia is going to react to the five or so cats who live in my house in Waycross! Meanwhile, Gwen's Yorkie, Songi, needs to be prepping for Mia's imminent arrival; we'll be moving into Gwen's place on Saturday!
Ellen's class was asking about Diana's arrival and the upcoming teacher switch last night. I mentioned that you'd be staying with with me, and they all gasped, "Teacher! You have a dog, and Jane has a cat! How to do?"
Songi's recent crackhead behavior is probably going to agitate the Mia even more.
How to do????
Princess is so very princess-y in that picture. She totally loves showing off for you. She's gone back to being lazy and cute with little regard for the human who shares her apartment now that you're at Gwen's.
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