I have been in Korea for a full year now! I can hardly believe it - time has flown! It seems like just the other day I was in Russia... and now I have been here for a full year. Wow.
Speaking of Russia, owing to the popularity of my Siberia photo (er, see the previous post if you're confused), I've decided to submit a Siberia photo collection and essay to the Passport theme at JPG Magazine. Sadly, you can only submit 10 photos, so I decided to limit my photo-essay to Lake Baikal and Olkhon Island. Please check it out - and don't forget to VOTE! (Remember, you must be registered/signed-in for your vote to count, but registration is free and easy.)
I would still like to submit a single photo to the Passport theme as well. I'm not sure if I should submit one of the Siberia photo-essay photos, or if I should submit something different. Please let me know what you think - your advice will most definitely be appreciated!

O.K. I signed up to JPG Magazine and voted for your Surreal Siberia.
As far as photo sites go, I like Flickr a whole lot more than JPG. I'm not sure what the point of JPG is other than having photo contests.
This might be an interesting alternative to Russia.
Teach In The Ukraine - Kyiv, Karkiv, Dnipropetrovsk for $1,000 U.S. per month
Greenface - thank you for voting! I agree, as far as a photo site, flickr is much better. The cool thing about JPG is that the selected photos are actually published in JPG Magazine. And if your photo's published, you get $100 :-)
John - Thanks for the link - I'd LOVE to work in Ukrane at some point. Of course, I'm planning on taking 5-6 months off before I start on my next job, wherever that will be!
How have you been here for a year and not left yet? Did you do a visa run or what?
I just signed my new contract and got my re-entry permit to return once my vacation is over. 10 more teaching days to go 'til I hit the sunny beachs of South Padre Island, Texas and then Cancun, Mexico for nearly two joyous weeks.
If you're not signing a new contract, just extending for a short period, you simply have to file some paperwork with Immigration. I'm now approved to be here through early September (I'm heading home on September 6)
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