A while back when Rob and I went to the Hahoe Folk Village in Andong, I wrote about a mysterious and rather disgusting object I found floating in my soup. Well, Rob has *finally* posted his photos (they're here), including the one he took of this mysterious object in my soup. I've stolen it and am posting it here. Any ideas as to what it might have been?

Dear, I believe that is congealed blood. And it's not in there by accident. Was it a kind of beef soup?
Samson took me to eat congealed blood soup years ago, back when I was too polite refuse.
Oh, god. It was a beef soup. The soup was actually really delicious. Except for that thing. I took a nibble of it and then put it back in the bowl. Yuck.
Oh god! Congealed blood? I need to vomit.
I thought the blod was possibly some kind of stale gelatin mixed up with the fat from behind the cow's eyeball. This I could eat. But congealed blood....yuk! Now I’m thinking of going vagan.
Beef soup you say? Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure that was blood.
I ate all sorts of nasty crap when Samson and I were dating in an effort to "understand his culture." Well, now I actually do understand his culture in more meaningful way, so I no longer feel it necessary force myself to eat the spare parts of animals.
For his part of the cultural exchange, Samson learned to love cheese and gained 20 pounds! Feels just like home.
Soondae actually does look like sausage, and yes, it is foul. It's usually sold at street stands. That there in Jane's bowl is just a clump of blood.
Don't know if you've seen this yet?
Gross. I'm all for eating spare parts of the cow, but congealed blood? That's almost like eating a scab.
save the best for last. welcome back to the US
err.. welcome in late Sept. gives you more time to jump into crazy adventures i guess.
one more yikes.. watching jaws on TV, swear i just saw you popping out of the ocean for some more blood
I think that it is a congealed blood noodle as weel. I saw a lot of this in China for sell on the streets. It is no accident.
oh, come on you haters! soondae is delicious and congealed blood tastes just fine.....i understand the "ew" factor, but the fact that *you* don't want to make it doesn't necessarily mean it's not a legitimate food for some people. my parents almost threw up after their first encounter with pizza when they came to the US! just putting that out there...
haha by "make it" i meant "eat it." well, i guess you may not want to make it either..
But Moosh, aren't you like the only Korean who doesn't just LOVE bundaegi???
And you've got to give me a little credit - I did taste it.
haha it's true...i have never even touched bundaegi and don't plan to, but on the other hand neither do a lot of koreans. including my mom. i like how i only get offended when you hate on food i like :P very principled of me.
that was me by the way. moosh.
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