Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Doggie Nap

One of the fruit and vegetable vendors whom I pass every day on my way to work has a cute little white dog. For months when I first moved to Daegu I would attempt to pet this puppy on my way to work. And it would always bark ferociously (or as ferociously as a little dog can bark) and occasionally it would snap at me. Eventually I gave up trying to befriend the little guy. On my way to work yesterday - around 2pm, when the weather was nice and hot - I passed the stand, and found the vendor and her dog taking a nap. I couldn't resist taking some pictures. They're not the best, as I was worried that she'd wake up and think I was creepy, but I like them nonetheless. Enjoy!

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Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, you have a beautiful and very interesting blog.

Anonymous said...

Awww...Freddie is nice.

And that dog is adorable. (Can't see the vendor too well...she might be adorable, too.)