Here in Korea, it's not as if I did a damn thing to celebrate the Fourth of July. In fact, I had forgotten all about it until I pulled out my calendar to see what the date was. Last year for the Fourth, my mom and I went to Frank's house, where Frank put on a rather splendiferous fireworks display. I've been told that this year's display at Frank's is supposed to be bigger and better. This year wasn't nearly as interesting; in fact, I spent the bulk of it really sick and crappy feeling. But, I do have something that might interest you:
The summer of 1998, I lived in Gainesville, FL, with my friends Melissa and Tina, who were students at UF. I spent a lot of the summer impersonating a UF student: I snuck into classes (hey - you knew I was a geek already!), attended a non-credit course on self hypnosis (happy, healthy, high levels of energy), frequently used the computer lab, and got myself pictured in the UF newspaper, The Alligator, as a UF sophomore. (Well, technically, the reporter only asked me if I was a university student - which I was, just not at UF.) Every year, weather permitting, there's a big Fourth of July celebration in Gainesville called Fanfares and Fireworks. In 1998, due to severe drought and too many wildfires burning in North Florida, the fireworks part of the festivities were cancelled. We attended "Fanfares and..." nonetheless. Melissa sent me the following today:

I'm the one in orange (surprise!), and this was found here.
Although, what's with that title? Workin' it anyway??
Awww. Fanfare and Fire...:) I had forgotten that you went to the self-hypnosis class with me. From time to time I still remind myself "happy, healthy, high levels of energy," so I guess it worked. Not to mention "And think not that you can direct the course..." but that's a different story entirely.
I don't know if you can tell in the picture or if you remember, but we were clinking our freezy pops together in a "toast." Oh to be young and carefree! Can I run away? Seriously, I was job searching on Dave's Cafe last night for a position for me and Alex (he was asleep at the time) --You know that means it's time for me to move on from here!
Also - Why are my shorts so short? Maybe that's why the title was "Workin' it anyway"!
I don't think they're that short - it's just that you're sitting down and they're riding up. And for some reason, they're rather the focal point of the image.
I ran away - although you're almost finished with your PhD, so you should probably wait until you're finished to run away. Not sure how you'll convince Alex to join you though.
There's always Costa Rica :-)
Oh man, I was just going to write that they were talking about Melissa workin it with those long legs! So funny that you beat me to it.
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