Thursday, July 19, 2007

You know those ring transporters from Stargate?

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Yeah, well we've got one!
Don't know what I'm talking about?)


Anonymous said...

This reminds me that when I was a kid, I used to think Captain Kirk was saying "Beat me up, Scotty." Could never figure out why he wants to get beaten up.

Gwen said...

I should have taken your picture in that thing on Halloween.

The very first time we came to look at the building, the first thing I noticed... well, was how filthy everything was. (Mr. Yu was a dirty mofo. No wonder his business went under. I wouldn't pay hundreds of dollars a month to send my kids to study in a bio-hazard.)

But right after my eyes adjusted to the grime, I thought, "UFO landing sight!"

Gwen said...

Hmmm. Maybe that should be "landing site." :)

annie said...

Seriously - why didn't we think to do that? Ahh well.