Saturday, January 06, 2007

kitties and ipods

I took Mia to her fabulous vet today for her last vaccination. There are three or four gigantic white Persians which live in the waiting area of the clinic, as well as one adorable grey shorthair. Today two of the Persians tried to befriend Mia as she sat in her kitty-bag awaiting her turn with the vet. She didn't do like a certain tri-colored feline currently living in WA, and try to kill the other kitties through the bag, although she did emit a loud and steady growl. But, the vet gave us two free bags of kitty treats, so perhaps that made up for the indignity of being sniffed up by two Persians twice her size.

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I wish there were something in this picture to give it some scale...
This cat is enormous!

After taking Mia home, I went downtown and bought a lime green ipod nano. I saw it two weeks ago, and it's been preying on my mind ever since... Yesterday was payday, so I figured it was time to go and by the thing. I love it, and have been dancing around my apartment for hours now.

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So little. So green. So awesome.

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Nap time with Mia

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Aww :-)


DCP said...

For some reason, every time I see the iPod nano I want to take a big bite out of it. I don't know why.

Matthew said...

Awww Mia! So cute :)