Monday, November 26, 2007

For you K-Pop lovers out there...

...I snagged this off Diana's site, since as I'm no longer addicted to Korea's OnStyle network I'd've had no clue as to it's existence otherwise. It's an ad for Samsung's Anycall phones, filmed in a dystopian future where technology combines with music to save the masses from an oppressive brave new world-ish existence. [more info] I was never all that into K-Pop, but I've found this rather addictive. I think I miss Korea :-)

And in case you're interested in more Korean-related weirdness, check out this episode of The Simpsons. You'll have to watch the first few minutes before you realize why I've linked you there though - but you'll see!


Anonymous said...


The hulu link doesn't work for "most" of your readers outside of the U.S. No problem with YouTube though.

John from Daejeon

Brooke said...

I'm beginning to see how K-Pop can be so addictive! :D

annie said...

That sucks. Esp, as it means I can't keep tabs on TV shows from KStan :-( Ahh well, I won't have internet in my apt there anyway. Boo.

Must. Break. Addiction.

annie said...

(that above post was for John, BTW)

Brooke - Totally. They even have a Korean language version of the Numa Numa song.

Unknown said...

In the Simpson's movie they had a sign written in Korean but I forget what it said.