Saturday, November 03, 2007

The world must be ending or something...

...because today I willingly got on a horse. We went to look at a pony (er, small horse) for sale out in Manor (pronounced may-ner), a small community just to the west of Waycross. The horse was a Halflinger, a small, sturdy-yet-strong breed that originated in Austria. The horse itself was well behaved, although it certainly had an ornery pony streak. The owners had bought it for their kids, but they were somewhat clueless. They didn't know how to put on the saddle or bridle, and the bridle they had was too big for the poor thing, while the saddle was falling apart. Mom and I each took turns riding it around a small enclosure, but we didn't want to take it out into the Great Wide Open without properly fitting gear. Sadly, while we'd brought Val's old bridle (Val being the horse my mom had for many years, who tried to kill me several times), it was too big for this little guy. I'm fairly certain that all this little guy had to do was exhale and shake and that saddle would've slid right off, and he probably could've spit out his bit too. Nonetheless, he behaved quite well, and never once tried to kill me. We may go back if we can comandeer some pony-sized tack. Anyway, here are some photos:

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Mom on Apollo

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Again, mom on Apollo

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Me on Apollo

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Again, me on Apollo.


krayzykatlady said...

haflingers are cool!! my grandparents used to raise them and i got some interaction and my favorite horse ever was a haflinger - he would lie down like a camel so that we could climb on. they are as a rule very gentle and trainable, although if you're looking for a spunky ride, they might get boring after a while. pretty good people-friendly horses, and i like that they're not super tall so it's easier to get on.
oh. now i miss horses...

annie said...

The last thing I'm looking for is a spunky ride! I got enough of that with Val the attempted jane-killer, thank you! Apollo showed definite signs of being a good horse... although what with the ill-fitting equipment and totally clueless owners it was hard to tell. Also, they seem to want to sell it for at least double what my mom wants to pay, so it seems unlikely that we'll get him. I'd still like to try him out with proper equipment though!