Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Of kitties, tax dollars, and ghetto cars

A while back, I wrote about the neighbors (presumably) getting busted for something. (You can refresh your memory here.) In case you're interested in an update: the woman and the children have returned, although the various and sundry menfolk have not. Plus, the woman is now driving the infamous Spearmint 22" car. I snuck a picture of it from my back porch today, just to show you this absurd vehicle:

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(You really need to
see it large for the full effect.)

If I haven't mentioned it already, property taxes inside the City of Waycross are absurd. This past year I had to shell out nearly $500 for the privilige of living in a crime infested ghetto where my street signs proclaim that I reside at the corner of Ass and Ass. You'd think for $500/yr they'd at least put up some new street signs. Or do a better job of policing the place. Something. Well, okay, they did something. They dispatched a crew to do a hatchet job on this large and very Jane's-property-concealing bush today. Allegedly someone called and complained that the bush was blocking their view of the stopsign. I can't imagine who in this neighborhood would bother calling the city to complain about that.

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Today a large grey tomcat showed up on the front porch just in time for breakfast. It seems quite likely that he is the father of Kitten, don't you think?

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Left: Daddy Cat; Right: Grey Stray Cat

Sadly, Grey Stay has a really bad case of ear mites, so bad that he has scratched his ears raw. I did my best to administer ear mite meds and rub neosporin on his raw spots, but he did not like that one bit! I hope he continues to show up, at least so I can get him fixed.


~Mers said...

I looked at the colors and thought "Spearmint" was your nickname for the paint job.

Then, I saw the logo on the side. lol.

annie said...

Yeah, it's really bizarre - I totally don't get it at all!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great. Everyone has their own loves in this harsh world. Some love sports and shopping, others get through the day by using alcohol and other drugs, and others comment in blogs comment sections.

Anyway, it looks nice and clean...a far cry from the rusted and holey version one of my best friends drove in high school.

My one peeve against it is the poor gas mileage it gets.

Anonymous said...

I like it :D
Maybe he got it sponsored ;)

Regarding the sign, well.....they could have put it up straight too, no?


don said...

$500 a year?! That's nothing for taxes! If you think the fire department would manage to put your house out if it caught on fire then you are getting a bargain. Look at it this way. There's only room to move up from there.

annie said...

Considering the house only cost $27k, $500/yr is absurd. Also, given the ridiculous number of burned-out houses in this city, I have no faith in the local fire department.