Sunday, August 27, 2006

Cat House on the corner of Ass and Ass

No, you perves, not that kind of cat house! Although the corner of Ass and Ass is accurate enough (sigh). Anyway, as my mom's house is rather at maximum capacity for cats, as my house is sitting there empty, and as there's a bit of a feral kitten population in my neighborhood... well, you can guess where this is going. My house is now home to one cat (a very friendly cat, whom my mom named Cita - short for mamacita - only to later learn that she was not a mother cat at all) and three nameless feral kittens. Luckily, they've all figured the litter box system out! One of the three kittens is less skittish than the other two, who pretty much stay out of range of my mom. She's going over there every day and spending time with them in order to get them socialized. She's taken some pictures, which have been posted here. Let me know if you have any name suggestions for the kittens (two black and white, one grey).

UPDATE: Of course, the day I post this, my mom would come up with names for the little ones on her own! For those of you interested, here's what my mom has to say:

I named the 2 B&Ws Chico and Loca (for the shy one). (Or Chica and Loco, if I'm wrong about their gender. The little grey one is Shady. Anyway, Chico allowed me to pet him this morning (altho he's not at all interested), and even the other 2 were out more in my presence. Cita is letting Chico nurse from her. He can't be getting anything, and it can't be good for her incision [she was just spayed]; but they both seem to be enjoying it.


krayzykatlady said...

going along with the mamacita line... they could be cheech, paco, and lupe (if there are two boys and a girl)
or one could select random words (a la balloon) and begin referring to the kittens that way: introducing chair, carpet, and window...
or the ever popular shadrach, meshach and abed-nego (biblical. don't ask)

Matt Mason said...

Feral = WILD

Careful about adopting wild animals whilst out of the country.

Feral Housecats = DESTROYED HOUSE



Matt Mason said...

...Even if it is on the corner of Ass and Ass.... can't be much worse than where I live.


Aaron said...

Wow, the title of that post was such a tease. Thanks for the comments on my blog...I was starting to wonder if anyone outside the AH read it!


annie said...

heh heh....

matt: if anyone in the world is qualified to take in feral cats it's me and my mom. (well, and linda and shaggy, too!) trust me!

aaron: well, i'm not *that* far outside of the AH - only been gone 2 months :-)