Thursday, August 24, 2006

not glamorous at all....

Today certainly wasn't my day for glamour, that's for certain. On my way to work I tripped on perfectly flat ground and nearly fell flat on my face (didn't though!) not once, but twice. Each time, an ajoshi (old Korean man) was staring straight at me. Each time, the ajoshi looked perplexed at my inability to walk like a normal person. Each time I smiled and each time the ajoshi broke out into a face splitting grin. At least I made the day of two old Korean men! [Foreigners! Can't even walk right.]

I was incredibly tired at work today, which is nothing new for my reality. I have an amazing ability to nap any time, any place. At the
American Home (my last place of employment), we had several couches and a bed (the place was a model American home, after all), and as such had all sorts of nap-opportunities calling out to me in every room. Oedae (like most normal businesses!) is somewhat lacking in the nice-nap-space category. Cup after cup of coffee did nothing for me, so during my break this evening I pushed two chairs together and curled up, spanning them in a Jane-sized ball. I woke up to discover that I had drooled on my chair. Then I sat in said chair while organizing my stuff for class... and as such, went to class with a wet spot on my behind.

The upshot of all of this is that it's nearing midnight, and all this caffeine juicing about my bloodstream is finally having an impact.

At some point, I'll try to do something worth blogging about. Really.


annie said...

would you believe, i'd actually forgotten about that!

(i was, actually, unshaven.... although i was wearing long pants!)

Unknown said...

You may not believe this, but I go through veritable spells of falling down.

A post to prove it.

And as for naps, I have deemed myself the meister of them. I have slept on top of my desk and under my desk. Culprit being a tendency towards being nocturnal, and never really allowing myself enough time to sleep.

Though props for being able to be sleepy while teaching...teaching usually gets me so awake that I have a hard time winding down. Which is precisely why the minute I get home I take a 30 minute nap (I think that I would be viewed as a loser for this diehard habit, after all "sorry no, I can't go to that meeting because I have to go home and take a nap" isn't exactly a profession building thing to say)

and yes, carrying things while falling is far worse.

annie said...

30 minute naps are impossible... it's an hour and a half plus or nothing in my world! :-)

Anonymous said...

You could blog about how classes are going--I'd love to hear Jane's adventures with the tinies, and how K students differ from their Russki counterparts.

Also, Jane is champion of naps.


krayzykatlady said...

hey now wait a minute - i once fell asleep STANDING UP. i dare anyone to challenge that!
i am napper suppreme!