Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bring on the Metrosexuals!

I think metrosexual is a ridiculous term; however, I also am quite attracted to many men who fit the definition of metrosexual. Gwen sent me a link to an article on metrosexuals here in Korea, and that article, in turn, contained links to other articles on this topic - I find this all quite fascinating! So, here we go:

The Metrosexual trend has started to sweep Korea as well. In a survey conducted in May by the biggest domestic cosmetic company, Amorepacific of 630 Korean males aged 15-49 living in the Metropolitan area, the percentage of respondents who said they had tried to use so-called “cosmeceuticals” or massage pack increased to 62 percent this year from 55 of the previous year. Dr. Choi Soon-hwa, of the Samsung Economic Institute said, “The number of males who consider spending as entertainment is on the rise,” adding, “This is a natural trend seen in a society where the income level is growing.” From Metrosexual fad is a boon for retailers.

A survey has revealed that for more than half of Korean men and women, fixed gender roles are collapsing, and both sexes are pursuing relatively “androgynous” lifestyles. From Korean Gender Roles Collapsing. (I feel the need to mention that I think this statement is a load of bunk. The average Korean woman is far from androgynous, as the goal for women seems to be to achieve cuteness and femininity at all costs - but I'll probably write more on that at some other point in time.)


Anonymous said...

I think I am a quasi-metrosexual.

I try not to look like a pig but my bad taste keeps me in my pen.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that all men should be metrosexual -- or at least well groomed and matching.


Anonymous said...


I'm no superfreak by any means, but I work out and my shoulders and triceps disqualify me from being a metro. That, and metros are nothing but 21 century DANDIES

ps you're hot let's do it like thiose kitties on your bed warmer

annie said...

Brent -

Thanks, no thanks, and it's not my bedwarmer - just took its picture in the store.

PS - bring on the dandies.

annie said...

Oooohhh... Johnny Depp in eyeliner is so very hot. I definitely like men in eyeliner.

I agree that when it's overdone, whether by men or women, it's simply annoying. Who wants to be too high maintenance? Or to be with someone who is?

Anonymous said...


Would a bowtie win you over


annie said...

Mmmmm, no. Ever since my Freshman year at Sewanee, bowties have been a turn-off.

Anonymous said...


Well, I have never actually worn one-perhaps its because I don't fit the metro mold either-that's about as dandyish as it gets.

Of course, a regular sized Shakespeare-English teacher tie I would proudly wear
