Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh thank goodness! (And happy birthday to me!)

I had some incredibly bizarre internet problems yesterday. The three sites upon which I waste most of my time (Yahoo!Mail, Flickr, and Blogger) simply refused to load... yet every single other site on the web worked just fine. I was able to trick Yahoo into letting me in (by logging in via, which loaded with no problems), but Flickr and Blogger were completely off-limits. (Not only could I not log in, but I couldn't view any blogspot websites or any images on sites which display flickr-hosted images!) After chatting with Moosh, I learned that said sites were working fine in the States, leaving me to wonder if this was a Korea-based problem. Or worse, an ISP-based problem, or even a Jane's-computer-based problem. I got up this morning about an hour ago, and the sites still refused to load. Then, just a few minutes ago, I decided to try one more time... and whaddyaknow, here I am. So bizarre!

I went to a Korean wedding yesterday, and I will blog about it... although as I should probably get dressed and get ready for work, you'll have to wait a little while for that one. And wish me a happy birthday folks - I'm 28! (Of course, it's not yet September 25th in the time zone where I was born, so is it really my birthday? Or should I wait a few more hours?) Either way, I should get ready for work; more later!


Joanna said...

Happy Birthday Jane!
I hope you have a better birthday than last year, when you were sick... And don't listen to the things Glen said--you're not old at all!
Love, John

Anonymous said...

Jane, have a Happy Birthday! I just started perusing your site, and I'm enjoying it. Mario.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

Happy B Day :-))...wishing you all the luck for your korean adventure.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
It's a nice blog. I like your humor... and I'm also 28 :))))