Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My office space

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Why do you say there is a paper jam when

We've been having some trouble with our copier the past few days. I may have shouted that very phrase at it the other day in Samir's voice... although I guess it wasn't quite accurate as there actually was a paper jam. Additionally, the insides were suspiciously hot, thus the open side panel and the fan.


Anonymous said...

I'm showing clips of this movie this semester to my students. :)


Anonymous said...

PC Load Letter?? what the fuck does that mean? (submitted by Sean)

(and am I the only one who can't read those letters we have to type in as verification? It's embarrassing.)

annie said...

when i worked in san diego, my boss looked and talked JUST LIKE lumberg! not to mention that i literally had four bosses and one of them was named bob. my work friends and i used to get drunk while watching office space and compare... believe me, it's a lot funnier when you don't have to wake up and go there the next day.

melissa - i'd love to be in your class :-)

caitlin - i mess them up periodically, it's not just you.

Unknown said...

Lookat Jaaane ... maaaakin' copies! The Janester! Jane-O-Rama!

I tend not to think of Office Space, but of the SNL Copy Guy by Rob Schneider. Obviously.

You know, those people bloggin' from America House are just so lame in comparison to you! :-)

Anonymous said...

I thought the whole point of going to Korea was to escape corporations andnothave make copies. You should protest.

DCP said...

I kind of feel like a genius whenever I clear out a paper jam. Taking apart the copier is like doing a fucking rubick's cube.

Plus our copy machine jams 80 times a day.

annie said...

I don't mind making copies.

I fucking HATE rubick's cubes.

Unknown said...

I try to avoid making copies.

I'll be with a new, larger company soon. There, I can just hand off copying and assembly of reports to administrative people with small slender fingers and special training in assembly/dissembly of copies and other office hardware. Yes, I will be able to become perfectly ignorant of the machinations inside that boxed-off quadrant of the office! I will be ... senior management! Whooo hooo!

Brooke said...

Go Office Space on its ass: take it out to a nice field on the outskirts of Daegu and beat it to a pulp that's more mutilated than the paper it jams. But ya gotta have the cool music playing in the background as you're doing it, though, for the full effect....

-Brooke S.

krayzykatlady said...

hey now, us admin staff actually don't have any specialized training in copier-fixing. we ask what the fuck pc load letter means more times than the non-admin staff.
there is one guy in my office who has an actual memo about tps reports pinned up in his office.
not that i emailed him the memo or anything...