Sunday, September 17, 2006

A lazy, rainy day

Well, I didn't go on my traditional Saturday afternoon walk yesterday, and I don't really see myself doing much of anything outdoors today either; the weather has been depressingly dreary and wet for the past few days. Gwen and I had talked about going to Palgong Mountain today (Happy Birthday Gwen!), but who wants to go traipsing around a mountain in the wet? And of course, there's the DAWG meeting this evening... but something about this steady drizzle is conducive to a day spent under the covers with a book. (Speaking thereof, In Siberia is excellent! I've only read the first few chapters, but I am thoroughly enjoying it. Thubron is a master of prose, and his descriptions of Siberia remind me of last May. A definite recommendation to you Russophiles out there.)

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Looking down on my yard during a lull in the drizzle.

Last night, Gwen and I went out for some yummy Korean/Japanese food (amazing, you'd think such things would be outlawed here, given the undying animosity Koreans bear the Japanese, but the place was doing a roaring business), and then headed over to E-Mart (what better on a soggy Saturday evening?) where we found yet another fabulous example of Konglish at its best.

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"You used to light up my way and fill my days with hope."
Meaning that you don't do said things any more.

I've taught "used to" many times (mostly at the AH, but just last week here at Oedae), and I know from experience that the notion that "used to" applies only to things that have happened in the past but which no longer occur is difficult for many students to grasp. Nothing like asking students to write sentences about things they used to do, and getting sentences like "I used to study English." Um, no.

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