Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I bought a gun.

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Well okay... so it's fake.

In the States, toy makers are restricted from making toy guns which actually *look* like real guns. I haven't seen a toy gun that looks reasonably real since I was very, very young. Here in Korea, where ownership of real firearms is illegal, you can buy very decent fake guns which shoot little plastic bullets. These toy guns are sold *everywhere* (I bought mine in the grocery store) and the kids are always bringing them to school. The first time I saw a kid with a toy gun, I jumped, it looked that real (at least from a distance). One kid even had a very realistic toy gun (with a clip, even) that made a fast click,click,click sound when the trigger was pulled. Where have I heard that before? Oh, right. That night I called 911. I decided to buy one for myself, partly in the hope that I could re-create the click,click,click sound I heard that night. And partly because it looks cool and it's fun to play with... but it can't kill or injure anyone. (I also have a vague notion of allowing my neighbors back in Waycross to think I'm armed. Although getting it back to the States could be a customs nightmare; it's definitely have to go by post.) There were so many varieties of toy guns to choose from (and now I'm wishing I'd bought a black one instead of a silver one - although considering how cheap they are, I may get a black one too) but I ended up settling for a silver SigSauer replica. (Doesn't Kinsey Millhone use a SigSauer?) It is fairly heavy, and feels quite similar in wight to a real gun. It has a clip into which I can load one little plastic "bullet" at a time... and it came with a little package of them. It even has a pretty good sight. Sadly, it doesn't make any click,click,clicks. I've been sitting on my couch working on my target practice with the box of frosted flakes sitting by the front door. Seriously, am I really 28?

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Gun and clip

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Anonymous said...

Real or not, that top picture is pretty bad-ass. Go Jane!

Unknown said...

Very Emma Peel.

Now if we can just get you a skin-tight leather catsuit ...

Anonymous said...

I have no interest in guns (real or fake), but I do agree that the top picture is pretty bad ass.


don said...

Jane Killer.

Anonymous said...

You apparently also bought a shiny hot pink trench coat. Why am I not surprised?

:) Brooke R.

annie said...

the coat is actually red, it's just the lighting was weird when i took the picture. i've had it for a while - got it when i was living in san diego. hooray for ebay!

DCP said...

Please please please please please please please send me one. I'll pay you back. Please? Do you know how hard it is to have realistic guns for my crappy movies? Please?

annie said...

What does this make me? A fake arms dealer? (Like I'm dealing in prosthetic limbs or something...)

Khakra said...

as gangsta as you wanna sound jane, you'll be as fake as that gun