Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Interested in Photographs from Korea?

Interested in owning your own copy of my best photographs from my thirteen months on the South Korean peninsula? I have just published Photographs from Korea in order to give you the opportunity to do just that., the company through which I have created and sold other photobooks in the past, has recently re-designed their photobook creation and publication system. The good thing about this is that the photobooks are now glossy, professional book quality, 8.5" x 11" publications, with far cooler layouts than before. The downside is that they are now more expensive. Sadly, for me to make even a meagre profit, the cost of Photographs from Korea is $25. I personally think it's worth it, although I am not convinced that others will see it that way (but I hope you do!). I would love to create new versions of my other photobooks using's new system... but so few people purchase them as it it is, I'm worried that the price increase if I were to do so would drop my purchases to nil. What do you think? Anyway, if you're interested in owning a copy of Photographs from Korea, please click here! ( offers international shipping, by the way, just to let everyone know.)

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