This is Daddy Cat.
Daddy Cat is a big guy. Just from struggling to pick him up, I'm guessing he weighs a good 30lbs. I'll let you know for sure as soon as I remember to borrow my mom's scale. Daddy Cat spends most the time on my front porch, although he would *much* rather be a housecat. See, Daddy Cat just loves to snuggle and purr and get as close to me as he possibly can. Unfortunately, there are quite a few downfalls to having Daddy Cat in the house. The biggest problem is this monster's appetite. As a multiple cat owner, I have discovered that when you have a bunch of felines running about, having multiple food bowls around the house, continuously full of dry food, is a good thing. However, while the other cats simply eat their fill, Daddy Cat will plant himself at one bowl and eat it dry; then he'll move on to the next. When Daddy Cat's inside, I have to hide the food bowls. Most of the cats residing in and around my house are incredibly friendly, both with me and with each other. Daddy Cat would like to have me all to himself, and he's not shy about letting the other cats know this. And lastly, I mentioned how much food this big guy consumes. Well, there's a direct proportional relationship between input and output, and this cat's output is enormous. And stinky. And because of his size, he often gets into the litter box, digs around, and then poops... with his ass hanging out the back of the box. Yeah, there are definite reasons why Daddy Cat's home is my front porch. (Although right now he's sound asleep on my couch - I'm such a softy!)
But I was going to talk about genetics. See, we didn't name this fellow Daddy Cat without a reason. My house is home to three of his progeny, while another lives with my mom. How did we determine the paternity of these street cats, you might ask? Well....


Chica Mary


Spot (left), Loki (right)

Loki (left), Chica Mary (right)

Poor Chica Mary; Daddy Cat just jumped on the bed.
She knows he's about to chase her off.

And just for some scale, there's my hand in his.
That one of Chica Mary is priceless. Your house seems like a happy cat haven. I read something about the theraputic effects of looking at cute images for at least a few minutes everyday--thanks for my daily dose!
Oh, and I was cleaning under the bed and found a hardcover book on the history of Okeefenokee that is marked around Chapter 3--did you lose it? I can send it to you sometime if you want.
Dude, we had a really fat cat (looked like a bowling ball with appendages) and he was forever pooping with his ass out of the box! What IS it with fat cats and not knowing where their asses are at critical moments?
Also, excellently illustrated genetics lesson. ;)
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