My internal clock is still completely skewed; I woke up this morning before my mother, something which *never* happens! I figured if I was up that early, I'd have plenty of time to wait for some photos to upload... and here they are!

Mia and I spent a lot of time like this.

The flight from Korea to Japan had some very yummy food.

Wasn't the soy sauce container cute?

One of my first meals back in the US: fried and greasy!

My mom and I drove down a dirt road marked by this sign...

...and she got her car buried in the mud!

I got quite dirty trying to dig the car out.
In the end we had to call someone with a pickup.

This was where we got stuck, by the way.
Poor Mia all squished up for, I'm guessing, was at least an eight hour flight. Did you share some of your yummy food--especially that delicious looking round fishy looking thing on the right half of the NWA tray?
Well, if you were going to get stuck, at least it was a beautiful spot... Great pic!
Oh wow, that plane had lots of leg room! Seriously.
And.. That's not a mud hole. My mom got into a mud puddle.. The car sank such that the mud was up to her ankles while sitting in the car.
Mud and wiregrass, chicken and cornbread.
Welcome back, traveler.
John :)
anon - Mia and I traveled for approx 27 hours total. She was very well behaved the whole time, although she did freak out when the first plne took off. And, um, I ate that yummy looking fish myself.
w. shedd - nope, no drawl here. although I frequently say y'all, as I feel the English language needs a plural you. I have also been known to say might would, might could and might should, on occasion.
Diana - it *is* a beautiful spot... AND it looks like my mom will soon own 8 beautiful acres out there.
Matthew - At one point *I* got stuck, with mud up to my ankles, and mom had to pull me out! :-)
John - Thanks!
those are some rather fabulous shoes peeking out in your plane photo...are those a korea purchase?
Most definitely! They have glittery hot pink stripes and fasten with VELCRO! Got them at the quality establishment that is NAIS MART :-)
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