So it seems that my mom is purchasing eight acres of land just outside Waycross. The closing is in about a week. The property is eight acres out of an original 40 acre tract, mainly planted in three year old timber pines. In between the pines lives an assortment of blackberry and other brambly, briary, thorny plants - it's not exactly the best for easy strolling at this point in time. Nonetheless, as the property lines have only just been surveyed, mom wanted to go out and see the actual borders of the land she's purchasing. Additionally, as we've had quite a rainy week, we wanted to see how the land holds up under rain. We knew from looking at the plat that a small area of the back portion of the land is wetland, but we didn't know *how* wet, or how far it extended into the the rest of the property. Luckily, the wetland is quite unimpressive and only covers a tiny portion of the rear of the land. But speaking of wetlands... We arrived and had to park out by the highway and walk in, as the dirt access road floods when its wet. The road definitely will need to be built up! Or my mom needs a 4x4 truck.

The access road!

It's *much* drier out at her property.
The "road" on the right is the access road; her property is on the left.

Mom, exploring her new land :-)

Wading through the brush...
See the very tall trees on the horizon? That's the property line!

This shot is from the rear of the land looking back towards the access road.
It's quite nice property, although it'll require a lot of work to make part of it habitable/usable. We're planning on letting the bulk of the pines mature (they need about 15-18 years before they'll be ready to harvest), and using them as a longterm investment. Nonetheless, we want to clear part of it. I think my very cute little house would be much happier moved out to this lovely bit of land than sitting in the ghetto. What do you think?
And speaking of times that I've tramped through the brush, yesterday I scanned in high-res versions of my best photographs from my 2002 trip to Costa Rica (back before I owned a digital camera). As you can see below, Mia was very interested in assisting me in this process. I've uploaded 43 pictures (no, that wasn't intentional!) to flickr, and you should totally go check them out.

"Addidionally"? Do you have a cold or something? ;)
Mia is adorable in that photo!
Whoops. I fixed it. Although I *do* have a cold, actually.
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