I leave Korea in THREE DAYS! That's why there's been rather a lack of posts of late; I've been running around trying to get everything ready for my departure. On Friday, I took Mia to the vet in order to get her paperwork for travel to the US. Then, since I'd promised my friend Alex I'd buy him some eyeglasses while I was here, I ventured into an eyeglass store. I really was looking for glasses for Alex, really. But instead I ended up with two more pairs for me and none for him. Whoops. I'll try to try again tomorrow.
Saturday was my friend Rob's birthday, so a bunch of us went out to dinner, followed by a norae bang (er, singing room - like your own provate karaoke bar). Sad to say, I must admit to belting out Like A Virgin, among other ridiculous choices. Moosh, you would've been proud!
Saturday was my friend Rob's birthday, so a bunch of us went out to dinner, followed by a norae bang (er, singing room - like your own provate karaoke bar). Sad to say, I must admit to belting out Like A Virgin, among other ridiculous choices. Moosh, you would've been proud!

Mmmmm. Cake and Beer :-)

Somehow Rob ended up with part of the cake on his forehead.
Today I went to the post office FOUR times, mailing back boxes of crap which couldn't be crammed into my suitcase. And I still have one box left to mail! Tomorrow, I need to go to the pension office in order to reclaim my pension money (woohoo!), transfer money home, and try to buy glasses for Alex and possibly Melissa without accidentally buying more for myself. I'm not entirely sure what the chances of success are for that last part though!
Lastly, I'll leave you with some photos I just took of this bizarre sculpture located on the grounds of Gwen's apartment complex. It totally looks like something which belongs in North Korea or Communist-era Russia. Not sure why it's here at all!

Dude... that sculpture is awesome. I'll have to make Gwen show it to me.
Fake gun? I mean, don't get arrested or anything, but it would be pretty cool. I can send you a real gun. Here in Texas they give them to you free with a tank of gas.
I'll try, but I won't promise anything - sorry!
I loved the sculptures in Korea.
I'm going to miss the wierd and wonderful stuff they scatter around the country.
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